Christmas is quickly approaching! If you are able to donate to our ministry, we have a few needs listed below that would make a HUGE impact for our staff and residents. This year, we were blessed to serve the largest number of residents ever before in the history of Youth-Reach Gulf Coast.
- Gift cards for individual residents
- Academy Sports & Outdoors gift cards for sports gear
- Dinnerware, mixing bowls,Tupperware, ect.
- Kitchen towels
- Rice cooker
- Instapot
- Bath towels, hand towels, wash clothes
- Beach towels
- Fruit trees
- Bar stools
- Lifetime plastic tables and folding chairs for events
- Belt grinder
- Drill press
- Washer and dryer
David: Wanda and I will donate the Rice Cooker you note on the Wish List. We also have some towels and wash cloths. We hope after the Wish List is published in the Peace Lutheran Churches Newsletter we will get more. We were thinking to not bring these items out until closer to Christmas. Remember we have a dinner set up on the 19th of December at EL PASO Restaurant in Foley for all of you. God Bless all of you. Bob Schroeder