As a part of our commitment to help contain the spread of the Coronavirus in our community, we are restricting all non-essential trips off campus and are using this time to work on the sustainable living resources we’ve already been developing. Our staff and residents enjoy making the most of the God-given resources available to cultivate on this 81-acre Summerdale campus.
Most recently, we have been building a water source using our own spring-fed pond to use for our gardens and the rest of our property. No chemicals are used at YRGC and all of our produce is grown organically.
Crops planted in our garden this week include: different varieties of beans and corn, beets, carrots, potatoes, garlic, tomatoes, basil, spinach, collards, kale, and parsley. Generous members of our local community (Everett Burge from Brick & Spoon and Jeremy Fields from Frontline Ministries) have also been blessing us with local produce.
Chickens have also come in this week and our YRGC family worked together to build a chicken tractor which provides the chicken with fresh grass each day and acts as a natural fertilizer for each area of the property where the chicken tractor is moved.
Our campus has always been a blessing to the young men we serve and even our local community allowing us to donate fresh produce to those in need. As we spend more time on campus in an effort to protect our YRGC family and the community from Covid-19, we will continue to ask the Lord for guidance on how to spend the time He has given us wisely. Our community and YRGC will emerge from this pandemic stronger and better.
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