Equipping Men to Defend & Serve
Youth-Reach Gulf Coast (YRGC) exists because there are young men with a great need for identity. Many of them grew up without fathers and had no one to demonstrate what it looks like to be a real man.
Youth-Reach Gulf Coast (YRGC) exists because there are young men with a great need for identity. Many of them grew up without fathers and had no one to demonstrate what it looks like to be a real man.
It was early 2014 when a bed opened up at our Houston campus, and we granted an admission day for a kid named Michael Morris. Looking back, we are astounded at all the moves the Lord had to make to bring him from Monrovia, Liberia to Summerdale, Alabama.
We are trying to garner financial support to help Rian buy a newer, more practical vehicle to serve him for the many years he will be serving us. He is planning on visiting with us during the Christmas holiday and we would love to surprise him by taking him car shopping. You are likely seeing this because you know and love Rian, but you could also help by promoting this effort amongst people whom you know.
Congratulations to Marcus, a 2021 Youth-Reach Gulf Coast (YRGC) grad who recently joined the Air Force! The 23-year-old hails from Texas and graduated from YRGC in May of 2021. He participated in transitional living on our campus until he left for basic training on February 1.
For a really long time, Andy's life was buried in shame, anxiety and depression. He was in a downward spiral, going nowhere. He finally decided that he needed something in his life to change. That change was Youth-Reach. Hear Andy's testimony in his own words...
Our staff's transcontinental bike ride was a test run for part of our transitional living initiative. Now that Cole and Tony have conquered the 4,228-mile TransAmerica Bicycle Trail, they envision some next steps in order to take the first resident on the first trip of "Restoration Cycles"...
Kayla met Zach on Easter Sunday in April 2015. At the time, he was a resident at Youth-Reach Gulf Coast (YRGC) and on a break spending time with his family. Kayla didn't know much about him and certainly didn't know that he would be her future husband. She later learned that he had been court-ordered [...]
Blaine was trapped in a cycle of drugs, juvenile detention, and getting help. Even after graduating YRGC's program, his life wasn't one of wholeness and relationship with the Father. But now, God's built a community of other believers around him that he didn't think was possible.
While the Covid pandemic has presented challenges for our Youth-Reach Gulf Coast (YRGC) family, it’s also provided a unique opportunity for staff and residents to spend more time fellowshipping together. As we gather together day after day, hearts are being stirred, dreams are being re-kindled and visions are being born. About a month into the [...]
Through Andy's experiences with others, he had grown to associate “love” and “trust” with pain. He didn’t know I needed to unlearn those buzzwords and relearn what they really mean. But God gave Andy a close glimpse of His heart, and he's been in love ever since.